"The Voice Stage of New York" (November 2020-April 2021) was an audition project created in hopes of finding people gifted with music talent within the New York and New Jersey state region.
With over 200 applicants, 10 finalists were chosen from our organization team in which each finalist had the opportunity to have their own music videos produced, a personalized vocal training session and record their own music. Pls check www.voicestage.com
"I wanted to give strength with my singing to my father who is currently being treated with Stage 4 cancer. I feel as if this is the only gift I can give to him right now." (Joseph Lee: final winner of The Voice Stage of New York Project)
After the making of the 10 finalists's music videos with either their own produced songs or covers, the top 6 finalists were chosen from our team to perform at The Cutting Room located at 5th Avenue 32nd Street. This project was shown on multiple newspapers and media around the state which helped more of the public to view and accredit our work. This project was an unforgettable experience for The Hopeful People of New York and for everyone who participated. We congratulate our winner Joseph Lee, who won a roundtrip to South Korea.
Sharing 12,000 Ramen With Our Community
Thank you to Nongshim Co. who sponsored this event and helped us donate 12,000 ramen to our police stations, single mom communities, homeless shelters and elderly communities.
Without them, we would not have been where we are. Being a source of help to our community has guided us to find our goal and meaning in life. We thank everyone who was part of The Voice Stage of New York Audition Project by The Hopeful People of New York.